hurm, somehow i'm not sure whether u still following my blog or not..
but if you did, i just want to say, 'this song is for you.. May Allah bless n grant u hepyness that u r looking for.. Ei, hepy2 with ziri k.. hehe..' d^_^b
tatkala aku berpijak di bumi yang Maha Esa.. Hanya DIA dan aku yang mengetahui kebenaran diri aku..
Friday, December 16
Monday, December 12
for sale
Saturday, December 10
entri untuk 'dia'
dalam hidup ni, aku menghadapi satu masalah, dimana soal pendirian dan keputusan yang sering kali berubah.
aku cuba mencari identiti,yang nampaknya masih hambar ketika ini. Tatkala aku berjalan di bumi Yang Esa, aku sering mengharapkan agar wujud belas dan ihsan dariNya, agar aku mampu berada di laluan yang betul.
Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih setahun berlalu, aku berupaya untuk melupakan sedikit demi sedikit. walaupun memang aku akui, ianya tersangatlah susah. InsyaAllah,semoga Allah membantu.
dan bila dibuka balik entri2 yang lama dalam blog ni, sekali sekala terpalit senyuman akan segala suka duka yang aku dah hadapi.. dalam perjalanan menjadikan aku lebih matang.. adekah aku semakin matang hari ini? mungkin.. jika dibandingkan dengan semalam.. :D
dan walaupun entri di dalam blog ni, tidaklah sebanyak dan sehebat entri blogger yang lain, aku harap, suatu hari nanti, aku mampu tunjukkan kepada 'dia' yang halal buatku..
"sayang, ini adalah perjalanan hidup saya. Saya harap, sayang mengetahui bahwa saya tidak mengalami perjalanan yang sangat mudah sebelum saya menjadikan awak yang halal buat saya.. Setiap ayat yang saya catatkan adalah ikhlas dari persepsi hati saya.. ini adalah diari saya, ini adalah perjalanan hidup saya.."
"dan jika sayang terbaca entri ini pada masa hadapan, ketahuilah akan janji saya untuk awak. Hari ini saya berjanji untuk menjadikan saya diantara yang terbaik dalam hidup awak, dan jikalau satu hari nanti saya berkasar, lupa tanggungjawab, tidak membawa awak ke jalan yang diredhai Allah, maka ingatkanlah saya berkenaan entri ini.. agar saya kembali sedar, bahawa hari ini saya telah berjanji untuk menjaga kamu sebaik mungkin.."
ok, adakah aku telah mengalami mood jiwang? hehe.. :D = tidak..
ini adalah entri untuk aku berjanji dengan diri aku, bagi kehidupan aku di masa hadapan kelak..
adakah aku sudah mempunyai 'dia'? = tidak..
aku catitkan hari ini, agar bila sampai waktunya kelak, 'dia' akan menyedari bahwa perjalanan ku mencari dan mengenal 'dia', bukannya bermula pada saat aku berjumpa dengannya..
aku cuba mencari identiti,yang nampaknya masih hambar ketika ini. Tatkala aku berjalan di bumi Yang Esa, aku sering mengharapkan agar wujud belas dan ihsan dariNya, agar aku mampu berada di laluan yang betul.
Alhamdulillah, setelah lebih setahun berlalu, aku berupaya untuk melupakan sedikit demi sedikit. walaupun memang aku akui, ianya tersangatlah susah. InsyaAllah,semoga Allah membantu.
dan bila dibuka balik entri2 yang lama dalam blog ni, sekali sekala terpalit senyuman akan segala suka duka yang aku dah hadapi.. dalam perjalanan menjadikan aku lebih matang.. adekah aku semakin matang hari ini? mungkin.. jika dibandingkan dengan semalam.. :D
dan walaupun entri di dalam blog ni, tidaklah sebanyak dan sehebat entri blogger yang lain, aku harap, suatu hari nanti, aku mampu tunjukkan kepada 'dia' yang halal buatku..
"sayang, ini adalah perjalanan hidup saya. Saya harap, sayang mengetahui bahwa saya tidak mengalami perjalanan yang sangat mudah sebelum saya menjadikan awak yang halal buat saya.. Setiap ayat yang saya catatkan adalah ikhlas dari persepsi hati saya.. ini adalah diari saya, ini adalah perjalanan hidup saya.."
"dan jika sayang terbaca entri ini pada masa hadapan, ketahuilah akan janji saya untuk awak. Hari ini saya berjanji untuk menjadikan saya diantara yang terbaik dalam hidup awak, dan jikalau satu hari nanti saya berkasar, lupa tanggungjawab, tidak membawa awak ke jalan yang diredhai Allah, maka ingatkanlah saya berkenaan entri ini.. agar saya kembali sedar, bahawa hari ini saya telah berjanji untuk menjaga kamu sebaik mungkin.."
ok, adakah aku telah mengalami mood jiwang? hehe.. :D = tidak..
ini adalah entri untuk aku berjanji dengan diri aku, bagi kehidupan aku di masa hadapan kelak..
adakah aku sudah mempunyai 'dia'? = tidak..
aku catitkan hari ini, agar bila sampai waktunya kelak, 'dia' akan menyedari bahwa perjalanan ku mencari dan mengenal 'dia', bukannya bermula pada saat aku berjumpa dengannya..
Sunday, December 4
if u ask me. how do i feel ryte now..
if u ask me, how do i feel ryte now? of course i were disappointed with what has happened before.. and i personally think, the song from hoobastank below, will help to describe more..
So, will u ask me again how do i feel ryte now? :)
p/s - i'm not hoobastank fan, but i admire some of their song.. its a quite disappointment they are not actively involve in music nowadays..
So, will u ask me again how do i feel ryte now? :)
p/s - i'm not hoobastank fan, but i admire some of their song.. its a quite disappointment they are not actively involve in music nowadays..
Friday, December 2
Itu satu ungkapan yang mampu aku ucapkan setelah aku melihat penghijrahan yang telah engkau lakukan.. Yerp, aku bukan yang terbaik dalam hidup kamu.. kerna aku x mampu untuk merubah kamu menjadi lebih baik.. InsyaAllah, semoga perubahan kamu kekal.. dan aku sangat suka dengan perubahan kamu yang begini.. sebab, tiada apa yang menggembirakan aku melainkan melihat engkau bergembira dengan dirimu sendiri..
sekali lagi, alhamdulillah Ya Rabb.. semoga engkau memperkasakan imanku, agar imanku sentiasa teguh di jalan yang sentiasa diredhaiMu.. InsyaAllah..
Itu satu ungkapan yang mampu aku ucapkan setelah aku melihat penghijrahan yang telah engkau lakukan.. Yerp, aku bukan yang terbaik dalam hidup kamu.. kerna aku x mampu untuk merubah kamu menjadi lebih baik.. InsyaAllah, semoga perubahan kamu kekal.. dan aku sangat suka dengan perubahan kamu yang begini.. sebab, tiada apa yang menggembirakan aku melainkan melihat engkau bergembira dengan dirimu sendiri..
sekali lagi, alhamdulillah Ya Rabb.. semoga engkau memperkasakan imanku, agar imanku sentiasa teguh di jalan yang sentiasa diredhaiMu.. InsyaAllah..
Sunday, November 6
buat si pencinta husnul khotimah
Kalau aku mampu memiliki apa yang ingin aku miliki, nescaya mudah untuk aku lupa pada Allah yang Esa. Justeru, aku akur akan segala qada' dan qadar. tentang segala suratan, dan juga segala keputusan. Allah telahpun merancang sesuatu yang terbaik, istiqamah dalam hati, agar hidup akan sentiasa dilandasan Illahi.
"Jodoh itu bisa dicari. tetapi mengapa tidak dicari pada tempatnya? Misalan, jika kita berjalan-jalan di sekitar bandar, mampukah kita menjumpai permata, berlian, atau emas yang sangat bernilai di kaki-kaki lima, mahupun di bahu jalan? (ya, mungkin ada.. tapi kekerapannya?) kebanyakan adalah sampah2 buangan, debu, habuk, etc.. Manakala, benda yang bernilai seperti permata hanya dapat kita cari di pusat beli belah eklusif, yang disimpan di dalam bekas kaca, serta dikawal oleh pengawal bersenjata.Sukar bukan untuk kita memiliki permata tersebut? Jika kita benar2 mampu dan berusaha, maka kita akan memilikinya. Andai kata perumpamaan sampah dan permata ini diumpamakan seperti soal jodoh, maka anak akan mengerti apa yang dimaksudkan.."
Itu adalah ungkapan yang terpacul dari mulut seorang pendakwah yang membuatkan aku tertanya-tanya, seterusnya menyedarkan aku dari igauan yang selama ini menghantui aku.. Dalam perjalanan hidup untuk aku mencari sesuatu yang mampu mendekatkan diriku dengan Allah, ketika itulah semangat ku dikuatkan oleh "si pencinta husnul khotimah". Semakin aku mendekati, semakin aku sedar akan apa yang diperkatakannya. Padanya, tidak ada cinta sebaik cinta terhadap Allah. Istiqamah dan Ihsan terhadap Allah dalam apa yang dilakukan..
Aku akui,imanku seringkali luntur, lantas nafsu serakah seringkali menghantui diriku.. Begitu juga soal hati yang x mungkin mampu aku sorokkan terhadap "si pencinta husnul khotimah". Namun adakah bermakna aku mampu memiliki orang yang bijak beragama? sedangkan aku ini jahil tentang agama tetapi bakal menjadi seorang suami dan pemimpin dalam keluarga suatu hari kelak.. Maka, disitulah terbuka hijabku berkenaan cerita sampah dan permata..
Agak pening juga cerita entry aku kali ni kan? x mengapa, ambil masa, ulang baca, maka akan tercetus idea yang ingin aku sampaikan.
"seorang muslim itu seharusnya punya rasa cinta pda Allah dan rasul melebihi sgala2 dn harus bercita2 utk bertemu dgn Rasulullah dan malihat wjah Allah itu sdri.. itu y dkatakan halawatul iamn (kemanisn iman)... kerana redha Allah itu mahal harganya. moga mmbntu..."
"Allah y ksi idea utk sy tulis. Moga dpandu hati utk buat plihan y trbaik. jgan lupa istikharah. yup2, no one boleh influecne kte utk buat decision sbb dyornk xtaw pape pown psal kita.. tpi Allah is the one that knows what the best 4 us. . thats why apa2 pown kne berbalik pda Dia. kdang2 kte suke sthg, tpi Allah kta i2 bukan y trbaik. y pntig perlu sntiasa redha dgan apa y Allah akn tetpkn nnti.
put the whole trust on Him. i'Allah"
(dari si pencinta husnul khotimah)
buat si pencinta husnul khotimah, terima kasih atas segala nasihat dan tunjuk ajar.. Ya Allah, semoga engkau memperkuatkan imanku, agar aku sentiasa berada di jalanMu.. Jadikanlah aku dikalangan orang-orang yang mencintaiMu agar suatu hari nanti, aku mampu bersama dengan orang yang benar-benar mencintai diriMu, agamaMu, serta RasulMu.. Jika terdapat khilaf terhadap doaku, wujud ketidak ikhlasan dalam ibadahku, maka sedarkan aku, agar aku mampu bangkit menjadi seorang khalifah yang sentiasa diredhaiMu. Terima Kasih Ya Allah, untuk segala nikmat dan kekuatan.. d^_^b
"Jodoh itu bisa dicari. tetapi mengapa tidak dicari pada tempatnya? Misalan, jika kita berjalan-jalan di sekitar bandar, mampukah kita menjumpai permata, berlian, atau emas yang sangat bernilai di kaki-kaki lima, mahupun di bahu jalan? (ya, mungkin ada.. tapi kekerapannya?) kebanyakan adalah sampah2 buangan, debu, habuk, etc.. Manakala, benda yang bernilai seperti permata hanya dapat kita cari di pusat beli belah eklusif, yang disimpan di dalam bekas kaca, serta dikawal oleh pengawal bersenjata.Sukar bukan untuk kita memiliki permata tersebut? Jika kita benar2 mampu dan berusaha, maka kita akan memilikinya. Andai kata perumpamaan sampah dan permata ini diumpamakan seperti soal jodoh, maka anak akan mengerti apa yang dimaksudkan.."
Itu adalah ungkapan yang terpacul dari mulut seorang pendakwah yang membuatkan aku tertanya-tanya, seterusnya menyedarkan aku dari igauan yang selama ini menghantui aku.. Dalam perjalanan hidup untuk aku mencari sesuatu yang mampu mendekatkan diriku dengan Allah, ketika itulah semangat ku dikuatkan oleh "si pencinta husnul khotimah". Semakin aku mendekati, semakin aku sedar akan apa yang diperkatakannya. Padanya, tidak ada cinta sebaik cinta terhadap Allah. Istiqamah dan Ihsan terhadap Allah dalam apa yang dilakukan..
Aku akui,imanku seringkali luntur, lantas nafsu serakah seringkali menghantui diriku.. Begitu juga soal hati yang x mungkin mampu aku sorokkan terhadap "si pencinta husnul khotimah". Namun adakah bermakna aku mampu memiliki orang yang bijak beragama? sedangkan aku ini jahil tentang agama tetapi bakal menjadi seorang suami dan pemimpin dalam keluarga suatu hari kelak.. Maka, disitulah terbuka hijabku berkenaan cerita sampah dan permata..
Agak pening juga cerita entry aku kali ni kan? x mengapa, ambil masa, ulang baca, maka akan tercetus idea yang ingin aku sampaikan.
"seorang muslim itu seharusnya punya rasa cinta pda Allah dan rasul melebihi sgala2 dn harus bercita2 utk bertemu dgn Rasulullah dan malihat wjah Allah itu sdri.. itu y dkatakan halawatul iamn (kemanisn iman)... kerana redha Allah itu mahal harganya. moga mmbntu..."
"Allah y ksi idea utk sy tulis. Moga dpandu hati utk buat plihan y trbaik. jgan lupa istikharah. yup2, no one boleh influecne kte utk buat decision sbb dyornk xtaw pape pown psal kita.. tpi Allah is the one that knows what the best 4 us. . thats why apa2 pown kne berbalik pda Dia. kdang2 kte suke sthg, tpi Allah kta i2 bukan y trbaik. y pntig perlu sntiasa redha dgan apa y Allah akn tetpkn nnti.
put the whole trust on Him. i'Allah"
(dari si pencinta husnul khotimah)
buat si pencinta husnul khotimah, terima kasih atas segala nasihat dan tunjuk ajar.. Ya Allah, semoga engkau memperkuatkan imanku, agar aku sentiasa berada di jalanMu.. Jadikanlah aku dikalangan orang-orang yang mencintaiMu agar suatu hari nanti, aku mampu bersama dengan orang yang benar-benar mencintai diriMu, agamaMu, serta RasulMu.. Jika terdapat khilaf terhadap doaku, wujud ketidak ikhlasan dalam ibadahku, maka sedarkan aku, agar aku mampu bangkit menjadi seorang khalifah yang sentiasa diredhaiMu. Terima Kasih Ya Allah, untuk segala nikmat dan kekuatan.. d^_^b
Friday, September 2
khas untuk husnul khotimah..
Agak sukar untuk aku mnggapai husnul khotimah, jika imanku masih lemah.. setiap pncarian harus dimulakan dgn niat yang ikhlas.. lantas niatku untuk mnjadikn engkau yang halal buatku, agar aku bisa membina iman yang kukuh agar rusuk adam yang dipinjamkan mampu mengangkat diriku jika aku hilang keseimbangan dan trsungkur di bumi yang maha Esa kelak.. aku hanya mampu berdoa ktika ini, agar engkau aku miliki.. namun jika engkau ditakdirkn untuk mereka yang lain, tidak pula akan aku ratapi.. kerna cintaku terhadapmu bukan atas dasar nafsu, tapi atas imanmu yang seringkali meruntuhkn serakahku..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Friday, August 12
to my LOLipopers..
InsyaAllah, i'll b waitin for u as long as i could.. gambling myself with lots of pray and hope.. may the best covered the rest..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4
Sunday, July 24
to whom? i'm not sure
Whn i look bck at myself, i'm not sure wat i'm capable of..i luv biznes but i'm mostly being cheated by others..same goes to luv.. i'm luv to b luved, but i'm not sure whether i'm capable of handling it.. people said truth is hurt n truth might change others.. but i'm adapt wit it.. its hard for me to b wit sum1 coz i'm very direct twards wat i's just my way of sincerety..wat hpen might showed dat u n me r not dserved to b with, i do no hw to treat u n u seems to b hurt by wht i said..people said take it or leave it..hurm at this moment i might leave it for bettr.. thnx for everythin n i'm very glad to b closed wit u.. it just a great feeling to hide under every1 nose, n knowing u btter thn any new frens could hv..thnx again..
(To whom? I'm not sure.. i just write it for my pleasure.. coz i do hope, beneath my darkness, i cn still bring smile for tomorrow)
(To whom? I'm not sure.. i just write it for my pleasure.. coz i do hope, beneath my darkness, i cn still bring smile for tomorrow)
Saturday, July 2
i'm glad.. ;-)
I'm glad Allah test u with difficultness.. so u cn measure ur self about luv, life n dignity.. sumhw its not bout who u wnt to be with, but who u shuld b with.. so luv Allah n fmily btter, b4 u luv any1 else..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
Thursday, June 30
sy x kesah..
Sy xkesah, meskipun ianya tau, masih wujud aura kebencian yg kmu lmparkn thdp sy.. mgkin kmu trpaksa.. dan mgkin tidak.. tp sy xkesah.. sy sggup mnerima kmu jika kmu mmrlukn sy suatu hr nnti.. kerna sy msih sdar akn tanggungjawab, kprcayaan dan maruah kmu yg perlu sy bela.. mskipun pada kamu ianya mustahil, sy tidak kesah.. semua perancangan tlahpun direncana Allah S.W.T.. sy yakin akn stiap percaturanNya.. kerna yg baik itu adalah dri Allah S.W.T dan yang jahil itu adlh dri kita sndiri..
Monday, June 27
still trying
When the memory keep buzzing in ur head, it is time to let the tears drain.. i'm still trying n hope for the best to come..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2
Saturday, June 11
just coming bck from time square.. went out wit my crazy frens, watchin 'kl gangster'.. erm, such a nice muvee for me.. worth every penny u hv spent..
tapi.. ntahla.. everytime i went for muvee, there wil be a strange feelin.. sumhow, in the middle of the story, there will b uncomfortable feelings crossed my self.. such a feeling that i use to miss a lot.. and i do admit, those feeling drag myself to uncomfortable situation, altho i already reached my home..
and then, i start triggering myself towards sumthin.. how easily people will forget things they used to luv? maybe they will said, try to accept the new and forget the past.. but in reality, we actually lying to ourself towards what we want.. isnt it? it just like people who reading my blog.. if u wont cared or u doesnt have any intention to b wit me and know bout me, u guys will never read it.. coz i never showed my blog to peoples out there.. hei2! not showed off.. i'm appreciate u guys effort to keep reading my blog.. i juz trying to show an example of it.. still luv u guys ok.. :D
hurm.. bottomline, what i'm trying to say ryte nw is, i miss the moment with sum1 that i used to luv.. walaupun tak lame, it still mean a lot to me.. but again, life must go on ryte.. when others already make their choice and forget us, we need to start our own path.. so, i'll try to force myself again to be as strongest as i can.. may Allah guide my life towards hepyness that i'm looking for..
walaupun setiap kali, saye pulang dari tgk wayang, akan wujud strangers feel yang same, saye akan usaha jugak untuk lupekan sume, n brdoa kmbali, agar Allah membantu saye..
p/s - sorry for my grammar k.. ;)
tapi.. ntahla.. everytime i went for muvee, there wil be a strange feelin.. sumhow, in the middle of the story, there will b uncomfortable feelings crossed my self.. such a feeling that i use to miss a lot.. and i do admit, those feeling drag myself to uncomfortable situation, altho i already reached my home..
and then, i start triggering myself towards sumthin.. how easily people will forget things they used to luv? maybe they will said, try to accept the new and forget the past.. but in reality, we actually lying to ourself towards what we want.. isnt it? it just like people who reading my blog.. if u wont cared or u doesnt have any intention to b wit me and know bout me, u guys will never read it.. coz i never showed my blog to peoples out there.. hei2! not showed off.. i'm appreciate u guys effort to keep reading my blog.. i juz trying to show an example of it.. still luv u guys ok.. :D
hurm.. bottomline, what i'm trying to say ryte nw is, i miss the moment with sum1 that i used to luv.. walaupun tak lame, it still mean a lot to me.. but again, life must go on ryte.. when others already make their choice and forget us, we need to start our own path.. so, i'll try to force myself again to be as strongest as i can.. may Allah guide my life towards hepyness that i'm looking for..
walaupun setiap kali, saye pulang dari tgk wayang, akan wujud strangers feel yang same, saye akan usaha jugak untuk lupekan sume, n brdoa kmbali, agar Allah membantu saye..
p/s - sorry for my grammar k.. ;)
Sunday, May 22
did i?
the moment i stood at u, i'm questioning my self.. what hv i done to u? Did i change ur life bcome worse? On the moment ur eyes stared at me, i realize the feeling.. feeling of lust n selfishness.. but its not urs, n i do believe it.. again i'm questioning myself, 'did i change ur life bcome worse? A good for nothing..'
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Friday, May 13
r u good enough?
A strongest prson in da world is da one who cn overcome his own ego.. so stop judging others easily.. look and speak to ourself.. 'r we good enough?'..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Wednesday, May 11
i can feel it tonite..
Sumhw i cn feel the unhepyness inside ur soul.. anyway it just an assumption.. i'm afraid to ask, but i can feel it ryte nw..,
Monday, May 2
friendster oh friendster
is there any volunteer out there, act as admin for my friendster? coz, suddenly, i have no friend request? hehe..
so bottom line is, there is stalker at my blog.. n she/he has react to my previous post, about hacked(mail)..
to the stalker, or i can called it my fan (haha.. :p), please, dont interfere my life.. as i dont interfere urs.. and, i xpect u respect my privacy more.. jangan sampai suatu hari nanti, blog ni pun kau nak jadi admin.. habis la saye, sume ade orang control.. :p
papepun, saye xnak menuduh sesape k.. saye agak je.. coz everything is so related.. sory kalau saye wat sape2 terase.. :)
p/s some might ponder how the heck 'that person' know my fs password? easy! coz i have told some'ONE' before.. cheers..
is there any volunteer out there, act as admin for my friendster? coz, suddenly, i have no friend request? hehe..
so bottom line is, there is stalker at my blog.. n she/he has react to my previous post, about hacked(mail)..
to the stalker, or i can called it my fan (haha.. :p), please, dont interfere my life.. as i dont interfere urs.. and, i xpect u respect my privacy more.. jangan sampai suatu hari nanti, blog ni pun kau nak jadi admin.. habis la saye, sume ade orang control.. :p
papepun, saye xnak menuduh sesape k.. saye agak je.. coz everything is so related.. sory kalau saye wat sape2 terase.. :)
p/s some might ponder how the heck 'that person' know my fs password? easy! coz i have told some'ONE' before.. cheers..
Wednesday, April 27
bom :-)
'Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live Oh take, take, take it all but you never give.. '
Thanx bruno mars.. such an inspired song for me.. ;-)
Thanx bruno mars.. such an inspired song for me.. ;-)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
email.. hacked..
my email has been hacked by somebody this morning.. how do i know? hey! that stupid person changed my password.. ok i have changed it back.. and i think i know how that stupid person done it.. simple.. by using the secret question, answer..
1. secret question.. 'what is your favourite football team?'
2. secret question.. 'what is your fullname?'
hahah.. as i laugh read my secret question, i realize hw stupid i am, to have the answer directly known by people who know me.. huhu.. so i changed it back..
and a few moment later, someone added me through friendster.. (the heck! i didnt play fs.. fb! fb! hahah).. and that person is very familiar to me.. and i start wondering, i think he is the one who hack my mail.. coz, he xpuas hati wit me bout something.. and her gf told me b4 about his jealousy.. and i start wondering again, could his girlfren, give the answer of my favourite football team...
anyway, it just my guessing, but watever it is, if the person who hacked my mail read this, (or maybe his or her rakan subahat read this), please, i'm skema, nothing interested inside my mail.. so stop hacking k.. dont bully me coz i'm skema.. hahah.. dei bican, please help me to configure my server k.. peace!
1. secret question.. 'what is your favourite football team?'
2. secret question.. 'what is your fullname?'
hahah.. as i laugh read my secret question, i realize hw stupid i am, to have the answer directly known by people who know me.. huhu.. so i changed it back..
and a few moment later, someone added me through friendster.. (the heck! i didnt play fs.. fb! fb! hahah).. and that person is very familiar to me.. and i start wondering, i think he is the one who hack my mail.. coz, he xpuas hati wit me bout something.. and her gf told me b4 about his jealousy.. and i start wondering again, could his girlfren, give the answer of my favourite football team...
anyway, it just my guessing, but watever it is, if the person who hacked my mail read this, (or maybe his or her rakan subahat read this), please, i'm skema, nothing interested inside my mail.. so stop hacking k.. dont bully me coz i'm skema.. hahah.. dei bican, please help me to configure my server k.. peace!
Tuesday, April 26
'tidak, kerna aku msih blaja tntang khidupan'
Erm.. bile org kate sume perkara x benar.. aku yang perasan sendiri.. aku yang terase sendiri.. aku yang sakitkn diri sendiri.. ingin aku jawab 'tnjukkan mane part yang xbenar, mane yang aku perasan, mane yang aku terase sndiri, dan btol kah aku sgaja sakitkan diri sndiri?'..
Lantas aku trfikir, org pnah brkate mcm2, pndirian mereka, xmo itu xmo ini, serik pasal tu, serik pasal ni.. aku xnk trima aku xnk mgalah, aku xnk bg 2nd chance.. aku trsenyum kmbali.. sbab ape yang mereka prkatakn, sgtlah berbeza ketika ini.. lalu aku pikey, ye, mereka masih blajar dn msih blum matang agaknye..
Kerana org yang matang pada aku, bukan mereka yang pndai mmberi alasan, tp mereka yg teguh pndirian nye, dlm ape yg dilakukn..senyum atas sgala pujian mahupun tomahan, kerna mereka yakin, stiap prjalanan wujudnya pgajaran.. adakah aku seorang yang matang? 'tidak, kerna aku msih blaja tntang kehidupan'..
Lantas aku trfikir, org pnah brkate mcm2, pndirian mereka, xmo itu xmo ini, serik pasal tu, serik pasal ni.. aku xnk trima aku xnk mgalah, aku xnk bg 2nd chance.. aku trsenyum kmbali.. sbab ape yang mereka prkatakn, sgtlah berbeza ketika ini.. lalu aku pikey, ye, mereka masih blajar dn msih blum matang agaknye..
Kerana org yang matang pada aku, bukan mereka yang pndai mmberi alasan, tp mereka yg teguh pndirian nye, dlm ape yg dilakukn..senyum atas sgala pujian mahupun tomahan, kerna mereka yakin, stiap prjalanan wujudnya pgajaran.. adakah aku seorang yang matang? 'tidak, kerna aku msih blaja tntang kehidupan'..
Monday, April 25
strangers, again
I really hope everyone watch it.. n understand it.. so u guys cn undrstnd what trauma i've been in..
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8
Saturday, April 23
its hurt.. n really really hurt..
Yes.. the pain is coming again.. n i'm not sure hw to hndle it.. the stressed.. migrain.. dear Allah.. please, gv me the strength.. my head is gttin worse.. n the only hope i hv ryte nw is from u, Allah.. please guide me thru the path where i cn capture the hepyness that i'm looking for..
Sory guys, i'm not trying to raise simpati.. but my blog is the only way i'm expressing what i feel.. in hope i could b btter after write it.. if u feel unwell with, it, dont read my blog.. thanx..
Sory guys, i'm not trying to raise simpati.. but my blog is the only way i'm expressing what i feel.. in hope i could b btter after write it.. if u feel unwell with, it, dont read my blog.. thanx..
I'm so depressed with my life.. all of the tense, tears n memory keep buzzing on my head.. i wish there is no week like this in future.. the tense dat almost kill my soul, the tears dat drag me to hell.. i hate all of this.. i hate everyone dat ruin my life.. hope just come n flow away easily.. i'm not strong enugh.. i need help.. Ya Allah, i'll pray dat Allah gv me strength.. i dun want to cont my stupidity like yestrday.. i'm weak again when i'm start thinking bout it.. dear medicine..please stay with me.. dear fren, please b with me.. dear family, please support me..
I wish i'll b doing my umrah ryte nw.. i juz want to live in peace, w/o my mind being dstracted.. sumtimes, when i'm thinking bout death, i'm afraid.. afraid dat Allah wont forgive all my sin, if i'm dead.. but ,Ya Allah, i'm more willing to meet u rather than staying with this pain.. i'm hopeless wit evehytin.. i'm not sure where my life will b.. i juz hope Allah gve me hidayah n strength.. please Ya Allah, save me from all this pain..
I wish i'll b doing my umrah ryte nw.. i juz want to live in peace, w/o my mind being dstracted.. sumtimes, when i'm thinking bout death, i'm afraid.. afraid dat Allah wont forgive all my sin, if i'm dead.. but ,Ya Allah, i'm more willing to meet u rather than staying with this pain.. i'm hopeless wit evehytin.. i'm not sure where my life will b.. i juz hope Allah gve me hidayah n strength.. please Ya Allah, save me from all this pain..
Tuesday, April 12
syg sy untuk..
Aku tak mahu mnangis demi cinta thadap seorg insan.. kerna aku lebih rela menangis jika cintaku thadap Allah dan keluarga smakin pudar dan hilang, kerna kealpaan ku mghadapi liku kehidupan.. terima kasih Ya Allah kerna mmberi aku peluang mngecapi kejayaan.. untuk aku sumbangkn kepada keluarga yang aku syg..
Sunday, April 3
*** (4/4/2011 12:19:19 AM): dont u ever talkin about me as ur ex to everyone..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:29 AM): who r u want to stop me?
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:34 AM): who r u want to force me?
*** (4/4/2011 12:19:40 AM): i am no one..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:43 AM): so be it
*** (4/4/2011 12:19:48 AM): i am not forcing you either..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:58 AM): so dont ask me to do things i dont want
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:00 AM): ok?
*** (4/4/2011 12:20:19 AM): ok
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:26 AM): alhamdulillah
*** (4/4/2011 12:20:26 AM): i wish i never meet you..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:28 AM): thanx
*** (4/4/2011 12:20:29 AM): thnk you
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:55 AM): thanx for those pain words
guys, i juz hope everyone will learn from this.. every words we said is like a doa(prayer).. so altho if we hate others, juz pray the good things for them.. not something that cn hurt their feelings.. remember, Allah(GOD) will repay all of the goods and bad we did.. so who know, by praying a good things for others, Allah(GOD) will bless and direct us in correct path for our future..
people will learn from mistake.. so.. everyone including me, this is life, we deal with it before we learn from it..
persepsi hati..
(sorry for my grammar k.. as i said, we learn from mistake.. :) )
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:29 AM): who r u want to stop me?
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:34 AM): who r u want to force me?
*** (4/4/2011 12:19:40 AM): i am no one..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:43 AM): so be it
*** (4/4/2011 12:19:48 AM): i am not forcing you either..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:19:58 AM): so dont ask me to do things i dont want
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:00 AM): ok?
*** (4/4/2011 12:20:19 AM): ok
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:26 AM): alhamdulillah
*** (4/4/2011 12:20:26 AM): i wish i never meet you..
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:28 AM): thanx
*** (4/4/2011 12:20:29 AM): thnk you
azmi (4/4/2011 12:20:55 AM): thanx for those pain words
guys, i juz hope everyone will learn from this.. every words we said is like a doa(prayer).. so altho if we hate others, juz pray the good things for them.. not something that cn hurt their feelings.. remember, Allah(GOD) will repay all of the goods and bad we did.. so who know, by praying a good things for others, Allah(GOD) will bless and direct us in correct path for our future..
people will learn from mistake.. so.. everyone including me, this is life, we deal with it before we learn from it..
persepsi hati..
(sorry for my grammar k.. as i said, we learn from mistake.. :) )
Saturday, April 2
:-) hypocrite n reality
Alhamdulillah.. she seems so hepy nw.. altho i'm thorn into pieces.. neway, life is full of suprise.. people will act like angel to hide all the mstake.. and it gettin worse when u let urself down n let others blame n misjudge u wit everythin..
N for those who r seeing me like unmatured person, hey shut up! I'm not hypocrite like u.. culture shock prson n think dat u r cool enuf to act like dat.. i hv been raise in a place where some of my fren doesnt know how to read, die at young age bcoz of drugs, in juvana bcoz of theft,murdered a person n rape.. so r u still thinking dat u r cool enuf by repo wit a bunch of people dat use to shisha n smoking in mamak stall everyday? Haha! U such a jerk!
So if u think i'm goin to change myself, for the sake to win ur heart, or to b close wit u.. dude! I'm not hypocrite like u.. i'm proud to b myself.. my experience has thought me a lot hw to b grateful wit ur life.. it showed me hw importnt to b close with Allah (GOD), my fmily n myself.. i believe in sincerity.. when u done sumtin good sincerely, Allah(GOD) will pay ur kindness more than u could imagine..
still thinking i'm too skema?nerd? Think again.. my heart has suffered a lot.. my head has been blocked by memories.. but things would not stop me for being such a person that cn make Allah, my fmily n people dat appreciate me, proud of having me as khalifah/son/person dat they has met in this world.. this is me.. persepsi dari hati, tafsiran pada akal ntok kegunaan sanubari..
P/s sory for my grammar k.. i'm still learning hw to write things btter..
N for those who r seeing me like unmatured person, hey shut up! I'm not hypocrite like u.. culture shock prson n think dat u r cool enuf to act like dat.. i hv been raise in a place where some of my fren doesnt know how to read, die at young age bcoz of drugs, in juvana bcoz of theft,murdered a person n rape.. so r u still thinking dat u r cool enuf by repo wit a bunch of people dat use to shisha n smoking in mamak stall everyday? Haha! U such a jerk!
So if u think i'm goin to change myself, for the sake to win ur heart, or to b close wit u.. dude! I'm not hypocrite like u.. i'm proud to b myself.. my experience has thought me a lot hw to b grateful wit ur life.. it showed me hw importnt to b close with Allah (GOD), my fmily n myself.. i believe in sincerity.. when u done sumtin good sincerely, Allah(GOD) will pay ur kindness more than u could imagine..
still thinking i'm too skema?nerd? Think again.. my heart has suffered a lot.. my head has been blocked by memories.. but things would not stop me for being such a person that cn make Allah, my fmily n people dat appreciate me, proud of having me as khalifah/son/person dat they has met in this world.. this is me.. persepsi dari hati, tafsiran pada akal ntok kegunaan sanubari..
P/s sory for my grammar k.. i'm still learning hw to write things btter..
Sunday, March 27
lust, confusion and selfishness
Love does not define and is never in a hurry to do so.. When u love more than a person, it is definitely not love. It's just a lust, confusion and selfishness..
Credit to mar.. thanks..
Credit to mar.. thanks..
Thursday, March 17
long time no 'C'
HUrm.. its been a while, i didnt wrote anything.. currently bz wit my SAP Training.. yerp, insyaAllah, i might b pursue my career in SAP.. :)
lately as well, i do attend interview in different type of company.. from logica till shell.. hope everything went well.. and i do hope all of the result is '+'.. so i cn made a better choice for my future..
and after entering this SAP training, all i can said is, rezeki bertambah murah..
20/3 - result TNB PEP 37 kuar..
21/3 - Interview wit EDARAN, final stage
22/3 (10.30a.m) - Interview wit Cyber Village (E business Analysis)
22/3 (2.30pm) - Briefing for Shell Recruitment Day.
23/3 - Shell Recruitment Day (final stage of interview before becoming executive Trainee)
24/3 - Need to answer offer letter from Logica, or else they will open the position to others candidate.
it will be such a pack-enjoyable week.. hope i can get through all of this..
thats it bout career...
Love? hurm, hard to xplain dat.. but i do love my family so much ryte now.. altho it takes some time for me to forget everythin on the past, and some from current, i never forget about what i want to achieve.. i really need her now, i miss her badly, but i dont want to miserable mine n her life anymore.. yerp i luv her.. but i think, the best thing i shuld do is, praying dat she's doing well, and kinda enjoy her life ryte now.. i'm hepy to see her hepy..
As for my fellow frenz, i miss u guys so much.. form uniten, pal, bloggers, pEP, and everyone.. if u guys read this, i just hope dat u guys are doing well wit ur life.. and i'll owez pray da best for u guys k.. for those dat their parents know me, sends my regards to ur pa n ma k..
sometimes i'm thinking dat i may not live longer in this world, so i do hope in this short time being, i have did my best to helped and shared everything wit u guys.. thanks for being with me in such a great journey.. may GOD repay all of ur kindness..
my advice to all readers, 'selagi boleh berbakti kepada ibu dan ayah, lakukan.. hidup kita mungkin seketika, mungkin lame.. tapi jangan biarkan suatu hari nanti, kita meratap pemergian mereka kerana kita tak dapat laksanakan ape yang sepatutnye kite lakukan.. sebaliknya hadapi pemergian mereka dengan tenang, yakin, janjian syurga untuk mereka dan smoga doa kita untuk mereka dimakbulkan Allah. Kerana doa anak yang soleh dan soleha adalah apa yang diperlukan mereka ketika di alam kubur kelak.. begitu juga harapan kita terhadap anak2 kita suatu hari nanti'
-persepsi dari minda, tinta dari hati.. untuk mereka yang aku cintai.. salam..-
lately as well, i do attend interview in different type of company.. from logica till shell.. hope everything went well.. and i do hope all of the result is '+'.. so i cn made a better choice for my future..
and after entering this SAP training, all i can said is, rezeki bertambah murah..
20/3 - result TNB PEP 37 kuar..
21/3 - Interview wit EDARAN, final stage
22/3 (10.30a.m) - Interview wit Cyber Village (E business Analysis)
22/3 (2.30pm) - Briefing for Shell Recruitment Day.
23/3 - Shell Recruitment Day (final stage of interview before becoming executive Trainee)
24/3 - Need to answer offer letter from Logica, or else they will open the position to others candidate.
it will be such a pack-enjoyable week.. hope i can get through all of this..
thats it bout career...
Love? hurm, hard to xplain dat.. but i do love my family so much ryte now.. altho it takes some time for me to forget everythin on the past, and some from current, i never forget about what i want to achieve.. i really need her now, i miss her badly, but i dont want to miserable mine n her life anymore.. yerp i luv her.. but i think, the best thing i shuld do is, praying dat she's doing well, and kinda enjoy her life ryte now.. i'm hepy to see her hepy..
As for my fellow frenz, i miss u guys so much.. form uniten, pal, bloggers, pEP, and everyone.. if u guys read this, i just hope dat u guys are doing well wit ur life.. and i'll owez pray da best for u guys k.. for those dat their parents know me, sends my regards to ur pa n ma k..
sometimes i'm thinking dat i may not live longer in this world, so i do hope in this short time being, i have did my best to helped and shared everything wit u guys.. thanks for being with me in such a great journey.. may GOD repay all of ur kindness..
my advice to all readers, 'selagi boleh berbakti kepada ibu dan ayah, lakukan.. hidup kita mungkin seketika, mungkin lame.. tapi jangan biarkan suatu hari nanti, kita meratap pemergian mereka kerana kita tak dapat laksanakan ape yang sepatutnye kite lakukan.. sebaliknya hadapi pemergian mereka dengan tenang, yakin, janjian syurga untuk mereka dan smoga doa kita untuk mereka dimakbulkan Allah. Kerana doa anak yang soleh dan soleha adalah apa yang diperlukan mereka ketika di alam kubur kelak.. begitu juga harapan kita terhadap anak2 kita suatu hari nanti'
-persepsi dari minda, tinta dari hati.. untuk mereka yang aku cintai.. salam..-
Monday, February 14
sy rindu awk..
Title tu ditujukn khas ntok insan brnama Muhd Fairuz bin Mat Sallih yg tlah mgadap Illahi pada 2 Nov 2008 tpat jam 12 tgahari.. thanks ntok smua nasihat, tnjuk ajar dn teladan yg baik yg engkau tonjolkn suatu ketika dulu..
Janji sy pada abg yus, sy akn jaga anak abg yus sbaik mungkin.. smoga roh abg yus dicucuri rahmat.. amin..
Buat sahabat seislam, tlg sdekahkn al-fatiha buat arwah.. beliau adalah org trbaik yg mncul dlm hdup aku selepas mak.. doakn semoga roh bliau ditempatkn brsama org2 yang beriman kelak.. pesanan terakhir bliau.. 'jangan dibalas prbuatan khianat santau ni.. smua takdir Allah.. Allah yang tntukan sgalanye.. kalau dh begini nasib abang, abang terime.. lgpun abang dh makin slim dgn keadaan bgini.. boleh jaga badan.. :-).. tgk2 kn family abang ye..'
Janji sy pada abg yus, sy akn jaga anak abg yus sbaik mungkin.. smoga roh abg yus dicucuri rahmat.. amin..
Buat sahabat seislam, tlg sdekahkn al-fatiha buat arwah.. beliau adalah org trbaik yg mncul dlm hdup aku selepas mak.. doakn semoga roh bliau ditempatkn brsama org2 yang beriman kelak.. pesanan terakhir bliau.. 'jangan dibalas prbuatan khianat santau ni.. smua takdir Allah.. Allah yang tntukan sgalanye.. kalau dh begini nasib abang, abang terime.. lgpun abang dh makin slim dgn keadaan bgini.. boleh jaga badan.. :-).. tgk2 kn family abang ye..'
Thursday, February 10
easy.. :-)
Smlm satu soalan keluar dr mulut sahabat aku.. 'erm blog kau ni mmg psl diri kau je ke? Try la update cite len'
Jawapan nye mudah.. :-)
'Dont read if u dont like it.. do read if u like it'
'Prove me which part i'm wrong, dont b an idiot by cmplicated things n tell others differently'
'Hell no to story unrelated things with me, Hell yeah diz is my story n my persepsi (perception)'
So jika diulang kmbali kdudukn jawapan trsebut, semuanya akn trjawab pada soalan yg kau sebut..
Easy rite?.. :-)
prove n guide me if i'm wrong.. thanx guys.. take care..
Jawapan nye mudah.. :-)
'Dont read if u dont like it.. do read if u like it'
'Prove me which part i'm wrong, dont b an idiot by cmplicated things n tell others differently'
'Hell no to story unrelated things with me, Hell yeah diz is my story n my persepsi (perception)'
So jika diulang kmbali kdudukn jawapan trsebut, semuanya akn trjawab pada soalan yg kau sebut..
Easy rite?.. :-)
prove n guide me if i'm wrong.. thanx guys.. take care..
Thursday, February 3
smile guys.. njoy more cry less.. :D
i think better u guys listen to above song while reading this entry.. believe me.. :D
Hurm before it was too late, i juz want to say hepy chinese new year, to all of my fren like pipo, ng and vesshant(only if vesshant married to chinese girl one day, but that impossible ryte? :D )
erm, ape yang anda fikirkan bile kite berbicara soal ego? sumtimes ego is worth but sumtimes not ryte? depends on ur own perception, how u wan to use it.. for the sake of goodness or else.. we cannot judge our own ego is ryte or wrong.. let others people feel bout it, then only we can realize either we did the right thing or not with our ego.. (why my word sounds complicated? hehe.. hope u guys understand, sorry my english were bad)
let me share a story..
ali cried a few times, after his proposed to aminah is rejected more than once.. and aminah told ali that, please, start with others, open ur heart to others, coz aminah already have do the same.. and in the mean time, aminah already found a suitable guy, and she want to start a new life and hope with it..
Ali learn his lesson, and start accept the fact.. he learn to deal with it, altho it is hard to take at the first place.. Ali may miss aminah so much, but all ali can do is to pray for aminah safeness n hepyness.. coz ali believe, if we pray for the good to others, GOD will owez lettin us close with hepyness, in many ways that sumtimes we cannot imagine about it..
One day, aminah contact ali, and share her problem.. when it comes to relationship problem, aminah told ali that the guy he close with is not understand her enough.. and good advice ali can give is, 'Pray to GOD, may GOD help us in finding a right path to survive in this world.. maybe there is our mistake on what has happen, and believe GOD has greater plan for us in the future'.. Ali said as well, after what happen to him in the past, he more closer to GOD, and GOD has give him the hepyness what he's looking for.. hepyness with family and close homies..
Aminah found the solution then, aminah said, she is trash.. she know ali has olredy forgotten him, and she said to ali, maybe when she deal with that guy, she owez remember about ali.. aminah overshadowed by its past.. and ryte now, she know she need to did like ali do.. forget about ali and start her new life.. maybe there is an effort give by that guy that aminah may overlooked at it.. it ends aminah feel there is problem in understanding that guy.. Aminah said to ali, she rejected ali (few times) before because she doesnt want Ali to be hurt again.. and ryte now, she thank ali coz make her realize, we need to forget the past..
Ali understand what aminah said.. although he feel, he never have any intention to say like dat, but he knew, aminah will learn to accept that guy as the times come.. ali better ends this cnversation, coz ali doesnt want it to gettin worse.. Ali might hurt a bit wit what aminah said coz if ali totally forgotten her, why ali keep cntact with aminah, praying for aminah and others every day, and most important, willing to listen to aminah problem, altho ali may rejected aminah at first place..
that is the end of the story.. and good advice i think we can took from this story is, to ali and aminah, believe in urself, GOD has greater plan for both of u guys.. so be close to GOD, insyaAllah, GOD will help u guys.. and more important, throw away the EGO.. the story can end up easily, if aminah accept ali at first place.. and Ali need to understand, aminah has its point.. Both of u has start a new path, so there is not need to turn ur head back..
to my family, readers, friends, is it good to have EGO sumetimes, but when EGO makes others people life complicated, think bout it again.. anyway, life is full of suprise ryte? so njoy more, cry less.. hehe..
take care guys.. luv u all..
p/s - hepy birthday to my luvly mum and brother.. i luv both of u so much.. to my ustazah, thanks coz keep advice me.. insyaAllah, i'll born again one day with much more success in my life.. i'm arranging my path toward success ryte now..
Sunday, January 30
"Airplanes" by B.o.B. ft. Hayley Williams (cover by tiffany alvord)
Not sure, why today i become obses with youtube.. i spend most of the time, listening to the songs and cover made by someone that we may not known before.. one of them is this gurl, 'Tiffany Alvord'.. guys she has wonderful voice and talent.. listen and enjoy k..
p/s wish i could learn to play guitar one day.. huhu..
p/s wish i could learn to play guitar one day.. huhu..
Saturday, January 29
The Fray - Heartless
Yesterday, i'm watched aI10 audition on astro.. and i fall in luv with one scene.. scene where there is a man, going for an audition and he show something to the people around the globe, what is luv all about.. his name 'chris medina' and she sang song title 'breakeven' by the script.. it was really a great song.. and i guess, chris medina performed it in much more bettter way than the script.. i wish i could be like him.. tougher heart and brave enough to face all of the test put by the GOD. and u knoe wat? i'm fall in luv with this song at the first place..
i google the song on the internet, lookin for the lyrics, and watch the video on youtube.. SUDDENLY, my eyes was starring at one of the related video that appeared on the right side of the browser.. its title 'the fray - heartless'.. i know the fray since they sang a song for transformers 2 OST.. guys, i think i luv this song much more than 'breakeven'.. again i go through the lyrics and the video.. it was a wonderful video + a good lyrics.. and fyi, its originally sang by K.West.. The fray make a cover on it.. but its much more better and very pleasant to be heard.. So u guys, njoy this video.. and believe me, if the video still not mad enough, try to go for the lyrics..
Video :
Lyrics :
2 and 3.
so, as a conclusion for today :
1. Chris Medina, i salute u man.. wish u da very best of luck for ur future..
2. The fray, u never disappointed us with hw the way u perform all of ur song..
3. Guys.. i never made this post, to hurt anybody k.. i know some of the lyrics is a bit harsh to someone or maybe everyone who read through the lyrics.. but the lyrics is the lyrics.. i'm just listen to the song and kinda luv it.. cheers everyone..
Thumbs up for both of u (chris medina n the fray)..
Take care readers..
i google the song on the internet, lookin for the lyrics, and watch the video on youtube.. SUDDENLY, my eyes was starring at one of the related video that appeared on the right side of the browser.. its title 'the fray - heartless'.. i know the fray since they sang a song for transformers 2 OST.. guys, i think i luv this song much more than 'breakeven'.. again i go through the lyrics and the video.. it was a wonderful video + a good lyrics.. and fyi, its originally sang by K.West.. The fray make a cover on it.. but its much more better and very pleasant to be heard.. So u guys, njoy this video.. and believe me, if the video still not mad enough, try to go for the lyrics..
Video :
Lyrics :
2 and 3.
so, as a conclusion for today :
1. Chris Medina, i salute u man.. wish u da very best of luck for ur future..
2. The fray, u never disappointed us with hw the way u perform all of ur song..
3. Guys.. i never made this post, to hurt anybody k.. i know some of the lyrics is a bit harsh to someone or maybe everyone who read through the lyrics.. but the lyrics is the lyrics.. i'm just listen to the song and kinda luv it.. cheers everyone..
Thumbs up for both of u (chris medina n the fray)..
Take care readers..
Tuesday, January 18
Semalam ada terbace post dari vesshant.. Macha, thanx dei for the entry 'Friends of the day 2'.. as u r one of my besties, i'm realy glad to have u inside my life.. cha, ping, rachi, sree, balan, janah, zai, tika, ineh, reen, wan, diya.. u guys rock! thanx for makes me hepy during 'that old days'.. hehe.. walaupun kadang2, ada gak aku gaduh ngan korang, tpi aku glad, sebab korang adalah orang2 yang percayekn aku, at times when others start to pointing their fingers on me..
In this entry also, i want to dedicate my appreciation to alfy, azam, chekinit(fify), mei, jaid,razman,alip n her greenapple,wana,fatin for olwez makes my day completed with ur guys life, laughter, joy, sadness n everything.. yerp, i'm kind of enjoying my life now, altho sumtimes its hard for me to take that.. but, life must go on ryte? others already make her own choice, so why shul we waitin then..
Erm, to syira as well, thanx for owez keep advice me and being my ustazah.. insyaAllah ustazah, saye akan jadi yang terbaik, saye akan proof kat sume orang, yang sy bukan seburuk yang mereka katekan.. My followers like Hakha, una_witch, thanx for keep reading my blog, altho i knoe some entry sound strangers to u guys..
Last but not least, of coz to my family.. saye akan ingat pesan mak, 'xpe, susun hidup kamu skarang, tunjukkan kat orang len, one day mereka akan menyesal dengan kate kamu begitu.' u guys wan to knoe sumthin? these day, i'm use to kiss my mum everyday.. n at one moment when i'm not kiss her in a day. she will merajuk.. how she merajuk? nex day when she wake up, she will not talking to me, n made breakfast.. so if no breakfast i will straightly go to meet her, and kish her.. then nex day, surely got sarapan.. hehehe.. my dad and bro has already arranged me a business, which i guess, i will start to work with it in next 2 or 3 month.. thanks guy for letting me in.. :D
tomorrow got an interview at Manulife Damansara.. wish me luck guys.. and perhaps, after few interview with Shell, i can get my opportunity there..
assalamualaikum.. regards..
In this entry also, i want to dedicate my appreciation to alfy, azam, chekinit(fify), mei, jaid,razman,alip n her greenapple,wana,fatin for olwez makes my day completed with ur guys life, laughter, joy, sadness n everything.. yerp, i'm kind of enjoying my life now, altho sumtimes its hard for me to take that.. but, life must go on ryte? others already make her own choice, so why shul we waitin then..
Erm, to syira as well, thanx for owez keep advice me and being my ustazah.. insyaAllah ustazah, saye akan jadi yang terbaik, saye akan proof kat sume orang, yang sy bukan seburuk yang mereka katekan.. My followers like Hakha, una_witch, thanx for keep reading my blog, altho i knoe some entry sound strangers to u guys..
Last but not least, of coz to my family.. saye akan ingat pesan mak, 'xpe, susun hidup kamu skarang, tunjukkan kat orang len, one day mereka akan menyesal dengan kate kamu begitu.' u guys wan to knoe sumthin? these day, i'm use to kiss my mum everyday.. n at one moment when i'm not kiss her in a day. she will merajuk.. how she merajuk? nex day when she wake up, she will not talking to me, n made breakfast.. so if no breakfast i will straightly go to meet her, and kish her.. then nex day, surely got sarapan.. hehehe.. my dad and bro has already arranged me a business, which i guess, i will start to work with it in next 2 or 3 month.. thanks guy for letting me in.. :D
tomorrow got an interview at Manulife Damansara.. wish me luck guys.. and perhaps, after few interview with Shell, i can get my opportunity there..
assalamualaikum.. regards..
Tuesday, January 4
"Aku nak kau jage die elok2.. kalau aku tau kau sakitkan hati die, kau lukakan hati die, nahas kau"..
"ye, insyaAllah, aku akan buat yang terbaik, kalau kau nak aku terima cabaran kau, aku nak kau terima cabaran aku jugak.. aku nak kau stop ganggu die. kite same2 laki, so kene gentleman. aku lebih rela kene pukul dengan kau kalo aku tau ko ganggu die lagi. coz aku x pengecut macam kau."
".............................................., aku cakap ngan kau skali lagi, kalau kau ape2 kan die, nahas kau, pecah kepala aku kerjakan'
"gi mamposla.. kau ingat aku takut ke ngan kau"
"tengok aku baru uji ko sikit.. ko dah mencarut cam ni dgn aku.. ko cakap mampus2.."
"bro, dgr sini,ko nak aku cakap elok2 dgn kau.. dah habis elok aku cakap, tapi ko still nak tunjuk kan ganas ko,ego ko, nak pukul2 aku. abis kau nak aku diam je, n tunduk ngan ko"
"aku saje uji ko, tgk ko bley tahan or tak, tp kalau dah mcm ni pun kau nak ckp mcmtu, future nanti cemane.."
"at least,mampus tu tak seburuk Puki**k, B*b*, yang engkau pnah ckp."
"apasal ko nak ungkit hal aku dengan die, ko tak tau tyme tu ape yang dah jadi..aku cakap camtu sebab aku sayang die, aku dah pujuk die beratus kali, aku panjat naik bukit sorang-sorang..ko tak rase ape yang aku rase"
"so skarang ni kalo kite nak cakap care baik, xperlu nak ugut2 camtu.. kite same2 lelaki, so b gntlman.. terime sgala baik buruk, yang penting kite same2 doa yang terbaik ntok diri kite sume.. tu kan lagi baik"
"laki, awal2 kalo dpt sume manis, dah lame2 sok tengokla.. ko masih muda, ko x paham.. aku nak tgk ko tahan berapa lame.."
"kenapa ko tak cermin diri ko sebelum ko cakap camtu dengan aku? kau sedar tak apa yang ko cakap?"
"kau tak paham masalah aku, keadaan aku.. senang la kau cakap.."
"sebab tu aku cakap dengan kau awal2 tadi.. releks, ape yang penting skarang ni, doakan yang trbaik ntok life masing2.. aku xkn tolak kalau jodoh kau dengan die.. Allah punye kuase sume.."
"bro, tahniah la sebab dapat die, aku pun tak paham, 2 tahun aku sayang die, sng je die berubah.."
"ye bro, same2.. papepun, aku mintak juz doa yang trbaik ntok life kite sume, tu lebih penting"
"aku pun tak tau nak cakap ape, tp aku juz nak ko jage die elok2.. aku sayang die bro, aku buat sume bende ntok die"
"insyaAllah, aku ingat pesan ko tu"
"ok bro, bye"
petikan dari drama 'phone'.. dedua salah pada aku.. juz hope yang terbaik n korang due tak gadoh.. erh! G*Y kah aku kerna membeckup kedua-dua lelaki? hahaha.. saya still lurus.. xda bengkok2.. cheers!
"ye, insyaAllah, aku akan buat yang terbaik, kalau kau nak aku terima cabaran kau, aku nak kau terima cabaran aku jugak.. aku nak kau stop ganggu die. kite same2 laki, so kene gentleman. aku lebih rela kene pukul dengan kau kalo aku tau ko ganggu die lagi. coz aku x pengecut macam kau."
".............................................., aku cakap ngan kau skali lagi, kalau kau ape2 kan die, nahas kau, pecah kepala aku kerjakan'
"gi mamposla.. kau ingat aku takut ke ngan kau"
"tengok aku baru uji ko sikit.. ko dah mencarut cam ni dgn aku.. ko cakap mampus2.."
"bro, dgr sini,ko nak aku cakap elok2 dgn kau.. dah habis elok aku cakap, tapi ko still nak tunjuk kan ganas ko,ego ko, nak pukul2 aku. abis kau nak aku diam je, n tunduk ngan ko"
"aku saje uji ko, tgk ko bley tahan or tak, tp kalau dah mcm ni pun kau nak ckp mcmtu, future nanti cemane.."
"at least,mampus tu tak seburuk Puki**k, B*b*, yang engkau pnah ckp."
"apasal ko nak ungkit hal aku dengan die, ko tak tau tyme tu ape yang dah jadi..aku cakap camtu sebab aku sayang die, aku dah pujuk die beratus kali, aku panjat naik bukit sorang-sorang..ko tak rase ape yang aku rase"
"so skarang ni kalo kite nak cakap care baik, xperlu nak ugut2 camtu.. kite same2 lelaki, so b gntlman.. terime sgala baik buruk, yang penting kite same2 doa yang terbaik ntok diri kite sume.. tu kan lagi baik"
"laki, awal2 kalo dpt sume manis, dah lame2 sok tengokla.. ko masih muda, ko x paham.. aku nak tgk ko tahan berapa lame.."
"kenapa ko tak cermin diri ko sebelum ko cakap camtu dengan aku? kau sedar tak apa yang ko cakap?"
"kau tak paham masalah aku, keadaan aku.. senang la kau cakap.."
"sebab tu aku cakap dengan kau awal2 tadi.. releks, ape yang penting skarang ni, doakan yang trbaik ntok life masing2.. aku xkn tolak kalau jodoh kau dengan die.. Allah punye kuase sume.."
"bro, tahniah la sebab dapat die, aku pun tak paham, 2 tahun aku sayang die, sng je die berubah.."
"ye bro, same2.. papepun, aku mintak juz doa yang trbaik ntok life kite sume, tu lebih penting"
"aku pun tak tau nak cakap ape, tp aku juz nak ko jage die elok2.. aku sayang die bro, aku buat sume bende ntok die"
"insyaAllah, aku ingat pesan ko tu"
"ok bro, bye"
petikan dari drama 'phone'.. dedua salah pada aku.. juz hope yang terbaik n korang due tak gadoh.. erh! G*Y kah aku kerna membeckup kedua-dua lelaki? hahaha.. saya still lurus.. xda bengkok2.. cheers!
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